Digital strategist, front end + email developer, WordPress enthusiast, IT tinkerer, and not-so-horrible writer

Recommended Software For A Windows Web Designer

Image Editor

Good Better Best
GimpShop (free) Corel Paintshop Photo Pro X3 Adobe Photoshop CS4

While I've played with GimpShop and Corel Paintshop Photo Pro X3, I'm afraid I can't substitute for the industry leader in this category. I've owned various versions of Photoshop since 3.0 (~1994). Consequently, other image editors feel awkward because different software has different workflows.

My recommendation is to buy the newest version of Photoshop CSx you can afford, even if that means purchasing a copy of CS1 through eBay. And you can bypass Photoshop's steep learning curve by purchasing training through You'll be thankful you did!

Conclusion: While Paintshop Photo Pro X3 and GimpShop are fine to start with, eventually you will want to migrate to the industry leader and buy PhotoShop CS4.

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