Digital strategist, front end + email developer, WordPress enthusiast, IT tinkerer, and not-so-horrible writer

How To Add Varnish In Front Of An NGINX Front End Proxy With Apache On DirectAdmin, That’s WordPress-Friendly

Start with Poralix’s NGINX + Varnish + Apache on Directadmin powered server post as an overall guide First, Add the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository to your server and straight after that, install Varnish using Yum. Focus on the section titled Varnish 4.1 Switch back to the overall guide and finish the installation… Continue Reading

Static Subdomains With WordPress Multisite Wildcard Subdomains

Best of Both Worlds: Static Subdomains With WordPress Multisite Wildcard Subdomains Scenario: Let’s say you have a few existing non-WordPress sites that are hosted in subdomains alongside a WordPress site hosted on the root. Not an entirely alien scenario, I have a couple domains with a similar setup. In my case the subdomains house utility software… Continue Reading