Comments on: A New, Sustainable WooThemes Digital strategist, front end + email developer, WordPress enthusiast, IT tinkerer, and not-so-horrible writer Wed, 01 Mar 2023 00:35:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: M Mon, 05 Aug 2013 18:10:55 +0000 In reply to Christina Hills.

Don’t worry, Christina. As you can see from the folowing tweet/thread, Brian Gardner and StudioPress is a totally different league. Your lifetime Genesis license is going to last forever.

By: Björn Sennbrink Sat, 03 Aug 2013 14:39:30 +0000 Spot on! Woo fcked us hard when they grandfather-ed us in and (only) gave us an extra year, adding to the one year of updates and support being offered now.

For me, and for you from what I read above, the support option is secondary. I worry instead about the future updates to the systems of my own and the ones I have set up for clients.

Now we have to find an alternative solution within two years or pay the renewal fees. And how am I supposed to explain to a client that the software I used then now comes with a renewal fee?

Woo made me look like a fool in the eyes of some of my clients (or perhaps it was me myself that was a fool in the first place for not being able to forsee this change?).

I am one of the annoyed Woo customers that will try to find alternative solutions for some of my online projects, since some does not even generate a reveneue, thus making it hard to argue for paying for a renewal license. Especially since I bought the item for its lifetime updates option in the first place…

On a side note: I am a WooCommerce contributor and think Woo has made a very nice job with WC, so I am not just your regular Joe that is crying his eyes out over a price hike 🙂

By: Joel Fri, 02 Aug 2013 22:32:10 +0000 Well said Ansel. I think that was their biggest problem, the lack of honoring previous agreements and even a lack of notice. I have no problem with their business decision, it won’t really affect me either way and will probably make for a great (or even better) and strong Woo going forwards. But some of the wording in their announcement post was terrible and it has been a little badly handled (imho).

I too feel the right thing to do would be to keep the lifetime updates but not lifetime support, but who am I to judge, I don’t run their business. It just seems their punishing people for supporting them and using them.

[P.S – By the way after your “fewer” and “less” post the other week, your use of “could care less” instead of “couldn’t care less” is one that drives me a little mad. Unless you meant that of course 😉 ]

By: James Laws Fri, 02 Aug 2013 21:50:40 +0000 I pretty much agree with the entirety of this post and I only own once extension for WooCommerce so this change doesn’t affect me that much. I agree that if support is the drain on the business find a better way to monetize that, even for past customers, instead of going back on a stated agreement completely.

Were they wrong to use this model in the beginning? I don’t think so. I think that it helped them get to where they are today. Did they continue with that model too long until it possibly jeopardized the companies existence? It appears so.

I think the whole thing could have been handled very differently and in a way that kept Woo strong and growing, the vast majority of the their user-base happy and even advocating the change, and criticisms to a minimum.

A change had to take place just unfortunate for every one, including WooThemes, that it went down like it did.

By: Christina Hills Fri, 02 Aug 2013 13:46:27 +0000 I am so with you on this issue. I am a long time Genesis owner, and I am curious how the Woo Themes announcement will affect them

By: Kat M B Fri, 02 Aug 2013 13:38:23 +0000 I’m with you Ansel! I firmly believe all current license holders should be grandfathered in and receive lifetime updates. But I also believe they should receive lifetime support. That’s what they were sold and promise and it’s what they should be given.

I’m not a Woo customer, but as a client/customer of many others, this is what I’ve received and expect. Not because of entitlement, but because it’s what I paid for and all businesses should honour their transactions.
